Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FACTS that are TRUE

DID YOU KNOW? Your Safeway Club Card is the single dirtiest thing in your wallet!
DID YOU KNOW? Dog fur is not actually fur, but is composed of really thin feathers!
DID YOU KNOW? Statistically speaking, there are more cats in the world than there are architects AND dentists combined!
DID YOU KNOW? In a pinch, lemonade can be used as a substitute for gasoline!
DID YOU KNOW? In Norway, hazlenuts can also be used as currency!
DID YOU KNOW? Ancient Egyptians successfully performed brain transplants, but the technology was lost in a fire!
DID YOU KNOW? Another name for raspberries is "Narfamjuan!"
DID YOU KNOW? The ocean contains 0.038% aspartame!
DID YOU KNOW? Boy cars are different than girls cars!
DID YOU KNOW? Ice is the only matter on earth that has no terminal velocity!