Monday, October 27, 2008

I really like cheese

Did you know...?
I live in a house with no heat. Yes! It is true. No heat. Just a sad little woodstove.
So, when I came home to a freezing house and a hungry grandpa, I decided the best food I could make in such a situation would be chili. YES. Unfortunately, not only do we not have heat, we're also out of milk, tomato sauce, cheese, crackers, and all the dishes are dirty.
Short story long, I just made chili with tomato bits and corn. It was surprisingly delicious, but now I'm very thirsty. Thank god we have well water.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Crap On Ice

With the help of Jesus, Pete, Jenn, and my Mom (go Mom!) the following list of movies & shows that should be on ice has been made. Enjoy!

Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? On Ice
Full Metal Jacket, The Musical, On Ice
Roots! On Ice
The Golden Girls On Ice
Sophie's Choice, On Ice
Arachnophobia On Ice
Amistad On Ice
Schindler's List On Ice
Hannibal Rising, On Ice
The Passion of the Christ, On Ice (featuring Cirque du Soleil)

Fun Fact: Did you know? That "Tron" actually DID appear on ice?
Fun Fact has been brought to you by Mike Morgan, and the letter Duh.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Peroxide Mocha, On Ice!

So, it's time for my bi-annual "do something nice for a kid" activity, and with the help of my dear friend Corey Miles, I'm taking a very happy 5-year-old to see "High School Musical: On Ice!" tomorrow. I wish to god I were kidding.

After the initial "WTF am I getting into" thoughts were done parading around my head, I couldn't help but wonder, what's up with Disney productions On Ice? How does one translate the subtle interactions and clever plot twists of High School Musical into a visually stimulating ice-capade that kids can enjoy? And furthermore, what other classics could be put on ice? Platoon: On Ice? The Shining: On Ice? Jesus presents The Apocolypse: On Ice?

Tell me your ideas!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Chickenhed Prom was awesome! Thank you to everyone who came, we had a great time and it really bad up for all of the crappy dances we went to in high school.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Good Songs

These are songs that will absolutely make me drop whatever I am doing and shake my ass, no matter where I am, what I am doing or who I am with. There are very few of these songs, but here they are:

"Girls & Boys" by Blur (NOT the Pet Shop Boys Remix!!)
"It Takes Two" by Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock
"Erotic City" by Prince
"Pony" by Ginuwine
"Your Woman" by White Town
"Feel The Music" by Planet Soul
"Da Dip" by Freak Nasty
"Kickin' Hard" by Klubbheads

Friday, October 17, 2008

More costume ideas from Rachel

More costume ideas. Please, take them.

- sexy telemarketer
- sexy transient
- sexy cancer patient
- sexy dinosaur
- sexy roadie
- sexy casserole
- sexy whore of Babylon
- sexy Teamster
- sexy Target employee
- sexy SQL
- sexy underwriter
- sexy waffle
- sexy Licensed Xerox Service Professional
- sexy bacon

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rachel's Costume Ideas

First and foremost, I have to get this out of the way: no one likes someone who "dresses as themselves" for Halloween. That's lame, don't do it. Just admit you're not dressed up, no one actually cares.

Now that that has been said, here's my ideas for costumes that I'm way too lazy to actually put together, but you definitely should:

- bacon (seriously, do this)
- a single Lego
- giant waffle
- the wetlands
- Sara Palin's secret basement child, "Tic Tac"
- gmail
- the Parthenon
- a glass of water



I don't usually dress up for halloween because I don't want to put the energy, money and time into something only drunk people are going to see for one evening. I am lame like that. However, I have really good costume ideas that you can totally steal. Maybe Rachel will have some for you too. (Peroxide Mocha cannot be held responsible for anything that may happen if you try out these costume ideas)

Pregnant zombie.
Pregnant zombie nun.
Target employee (this is really easy - red shirt, khaki pants, nametag)
Sack of rice.
Get 22 friends together and be the Major Arcana.
Get 4 friends together and be Mini Moni.
A really good taco
Giant block of ice.* (please don't actually encase yourself in ice if you do this, that would be stupid)
The "my anus is bleeding" thing from "Rejected"
Zombie Sarah Palin!
Peroxide Mocha!
The fifth grade
"The Rabbit"
Marilyn Manson, but in a Pikachu outfit

Let us know if you have any more good ideas that you're never going to do

Stupid Celine Dion

My co-worker, who normally listens to totally rockin' butt rock, is going to see Celine Dion today. For some reason, I thought about this when I was on the bus this morning and now I have "My Heart Will Go On" stuck in my head.

Monday, October 13, 2008

First Post!

We now have a blog! I mean a real blog, not the news blog on the front page!