Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rachel's Costume Ideas

First and foremost, I have to get this out of the way: no one likes someone who "dresses as themselves" for Halloween. That's lame, don't do it. Just admit you're not dressed up, no one actually cares.

Now that that has been said, here's my ideas for costumes that I'm way too lazy to actually put together, but you definitely should:

- bacon (seriously, do this)
- a single Lego
- giant waffle
- the wetlands
- Sara Palin's secret basement child, "Tic Tac"
- gmail
- the Parthenon
- a glass of water



Badinia said...

I like 'em. They're high-concept. But what about...Space Bears?

Rachel said...

That's just silly, Virginia Jones. Who would dress as a space bear?