Thursday, October 16, 2008


I don't usually dress up for halloween because I don't want to put the energy, money and time into something only drunk people are going to see for one evening. I am lame like that. However, I have really good costume ideas that you can totally steal. Maybe Rachel will have some for you too. (Peroxide Mocha cannot be held responsible for anything that may happen if you try out these costume ideas)

Pregnant zombie.
Pregnant zombie nun.
Target employee (this is really easy - red shirt, khaki pants, nametag)
Sack of rice.
Get 22 friends together and be the Major Arcana.
Get 4 friends together and be Mini Moni.
A really good taco
Giant block of ice.* (please don't actually encase yourself in ice if you do this, that would be stupid)
The "my anus is bleeding" thing from "Rejected"
Zombie Sarah Palin!
Peroxide Mocha!
The fifth grade
"The Rabbit"
Marilyn Manson, but in a Pikachu outfit

Let us know if you have any more good ideas that you're never going to do

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