Saturday, August 22, 2009


I just recently re-subscribed to Netflix because I don't feel like paying the cable company 20 bucks a month so I can watch network TV and because I'm completely addicted to "Lost" but also don't feel like buying Season 4.

So, first few days of new Netflix subscription: I watched the first disk of Lost Season 4 (OMG! Ben is the puppetmaster!) and "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans." I now realise that since the mega thrifty garage sale girl in me (90% of my body mass, for the curious) knows that the more movies I watch in the least amount of time possible, the better the deal is - my movie watching standards get lower. I will watch just about ANYTHING on Netflix just to keep the movies coming as fast as possible. My queue is currently weighing in at over 70 disks - and that's just because I haven't logged in since Thursday.

Note: If anyone comments on this post and tells me what happens next in Lost, I will hunt you down and kill you. This does not mean I do not love you.

Another Note: By "I will watch anything on Netflix," I mean anything that does not have Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, or Jim Carrey in it. Or anything that looks really, REALLY lame. Which is actually quite a lot. Maybe my standards haven't lowered as much as I thought they did. Of course, I'm still going to watch the most recent "Mummy" movie even though it looks pretty awful... hmm...

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