I just recently re-subscribed to Netflix because I don't feel like paying the cable company 20 bucks a month so I can watch network TV and because I'm completely addicted to "Lost" but also don't feel like buying Season 4.
So, first few days of new Netflix subscription: I watched the first disk of Lost Season 4 (OMG! Ben is the puppetmaster!) and "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans." I now realise that since the mega thrifty garage sale girl in me (90% of my body mass, for the curious) knows that the more movies I watch in the least amount of time possible, the better the deal is - my movie watching standards get lower. I will watch just about ANYTHING on Netflix just to keep the movies coming as fast as possible. My queue is currently weighing in at over 70 disks - and that's just because I haven't logged in since Thursday.
Note: If anyone comments on this post and tells me what happens next in Lost, I will hunt you down and kill you. This does not mean I do not love you.
Another Note: By "I will watch anything on Netflix," I mean anything that does not have Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, or Jim Carrey in it. Or anything that looks really, REALLY lame. Which is actually quite a lot. Maybe my standards haven't lowered as much as I thought they did. Of course, I'm still going to watch the most recent "Mummy" movie even though it looks pretty awful... hmm...
Oh yeah, I'm writing for Gawker now
12 years ago