Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Moving is hard!

For almost two weeks now, Tater and I have been trying to move in to our new place that we bought that is ours that we will live in (we're very excited about this.) However, everything takes SO. MUCH. LONGER. than you think it will. Since 2 weekends ago, I have repainted the kitchen, replaced all the knobs on my cabinets, ripped out the old bathroom sink & counter, ripped out two walls and part of the floor in the bathroom, replaced the sink two walls and part of the floor, replaced the innards in the back of the toilet, picked up all the random bits of junk that were left in our yard, and of course cleaned everything. Despite my initial optimism on the amount of time these "small repairs" would take - we're still not moved in. I can, however, gladly report that we are ready to move in. Sure, there might be a little bit of exposed plywood left in the bathroom, and don't even get me started on moulding - but it's livable. There's no leaks, drips, holes, or mold!

Film at 11

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